A delightful daytrip of our school to Meteora!

Written by NewsRoom
5 May 2019

The Greek word “metéoros” (μετέωρος) coming from “μετά” + “ἀείρω” (raise) means “raised up in the sky”, “the person or the thing that swings on the air”, “the hesitant or undecided person”.

Humongous rocks, monasteries «hanging in the sky» and beautiful paths compose an enchanting scenery that everyone must see. This almost “unearthly state” with monasteries that clambered on the edge of impressive steep mountainous masses, challenge you to discover the majesty of nature. The earth meets the sky, the human intervention the divine element and the traveler finds the emotional serenity and spiritual well being which arises eternally from the atmosphere. Every year, millions of visitors from all over the world visit Meteora in order to admire this unique phenomenon. Since 1988, Meteora is part of the World Heritage sites of UNESCO.

Thanks once again our colleagues in Ammon Express

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